Digital transactions to touch Rs 4 crore per day this year

Digital Transaction:
Digital Transaction Management (DTM) is a category service designed to digitally manage document-based transactions. DTM eliminates the friction inherent in transactions involving people, documents and data to create faster, easier, more convenient, and safer processes. DTM is now a well established business for both the large and small enterprises are adopting in a growing fashion.

The digital transaction is growing and is expected to increase by 33 percent to Rs 4 crore per day in this year as IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said. The digital transaction was Rs 1.85 crore per day in previous year 2015. It was Rs 3 crore per day in the last 2016.
Compared to the previous years now it will be around 4 crores this information was said by IT Minister as he headed for an event organized to commemorate World Day of Rights Consumer here.To develop this e-transaction e-transaction is called as electronic transactions. he said that more common service centers (CSC) will be established for payment of utility bills through debit or credit cards. Already We have set up 2 lakh CSC.continue reading


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